We welcome children and adults for baptism. In your child’s baptism you are thanking God for the gift of life and starting your child on a lifetime’s journey in the Christian faith.
We, as members of this church, are here to support you at this important stage in your child’s life.
Some parents are unsure as to whether they wish to have their child baptised in which case we can offer a Thanksgiving Blessing. This is an opportunity for you to thank God for the gift of a child. It is a special way of celebrating the birth or adoption of a new member of your family. Where possible it would take place in church as part of one of our Sunday services.
It involves a short prayer of thanksgiving for your child followed by a prayer of blessing.
It does not involve the same promises as in the Baptism service.
It can be followed at a later date by Baptism.
When do you have Baptisms?
Baptisms usually take place on a Sunday and ideally during the main morning service (lasting no more than 1hr) or by special arrangement after the morning service if this is more appropriate.
Is there a fee for a Christening?
No there is no set fee, however there will be an offering plate either during the service or at the back of church and we ask that parents consider giving a donation (as a guide we would suggest a contribution of between £25 – £50, but this is up to you). We also accept donations by card.
How do I arrange a Christening?
Either phone or email the Vicar or the parish office to discuss possible dates. You will be asked to complete a form which will need to be returned to the Vicar before the date of baptism can be fully confirmed.
What happens if I move out of the area?
Perhaps you were married here or lived in the parish as a child and your family are still resident here, in which case phone or e-mail to discuss possible dates. If you have no association with the parish we would be willing to talk through the possibility of having your child baptised, however we would encourage you in the first instance to approach the vicar of your local parish church.
If we arrange a Baptism do we need to come to church every Sunday?
There is no requirement to attend services but we would enjoy getting to know you and your child before the Baptism day. It also helps you to feel at home in the church building, to get to know some of the people involved in your child’s Baptism service and to have a better understanding of what it means to be part of the Christian family which your child is joining.
How do we know what is expected of us in the Baptism service?
About 10 – 14 days before the service the Vicar will meet you for an informal discussion, either at church or in your home, to explain what happens in the service and help you understand the importance of the promises you and the godparents will be making. We will answer any questions you have at that meeting but if you would like to know more now then do visit www.cofe.anglican.org/lifeevents.
We are not married. Can our child be baptised?
Yes, we are happy to baptise your child whatever your family structure. We have celebrated Baptisms with one parent families and at weddings. All are welcome. Please note that both parents must give permission for their child to be baptised.
Does it matter how many friends we invite to the Baptism service?
No we can accommodate most family groups however we would suggest that you limit the number invited to the church to godparents, family and close friends if the baptism is to take place during the morning service. Others can still join you for your party after the service.
Can we take photographs or Video the Service?
Yes but this will be discussed with you at the baptism visit as there are restrictions.
Godparents are important people who have special tasks. They promise to help their godchild come to know God, encourage him or her in their membership of the local church and take an interest in their spiritual life. They make the same promises as parents on behalf of the child being baptised. They commit themselves to pray for the child and help the parents bring up the child in the Christian faith.
Children should normally have at least three godparents and a maximum of six, two of whom should be the same gender as the child. They can be family members or friends (and parents can also be godparents). But to carry out this role, the Church of England requires that all godparents have been baptised.
Adult baptism candidates have sponsors rather than godparents. A sponsor will formally present the candidate for baptism and help them with their growth as a Christian. There should be at least two sponsors who, like godparents, need to be baptised.
For further details or to book a baptism please phone either the Parish Office 01624 679189 or the Vicar the Ven Irene Cowell on 01624 675430